During one of his many journeys across Tartalia, gathering material for his book about the world, Gilt, a young Oweeh, stumbled upon an ancient futuristic structure in ruins. It was a remnant of another era, a time long forgotten. Unlike most of his kind, Gilt was neither strong nor skilled in combat, but his intellect was exceptional, and his curiosity was insatiable.
Guided by his keen mind, he managed to decipher fragments of documents that still lay scattered within the ruins, worn away by time and the relentless catastrophes that plagued the island. As he pieced together the information, he reached an astonishing conclusion: his own race was the result of a human experiment, an adaptation designed to survive the harsh conditions of their environment. The Oweeh were nothing more than an evolution of humanity itself.
Overcome with excitement, Gilt gathered his instruments and study notes, eager to return to his village and share his discovery. He already envisioned himself as a genius, earning recognition in the human kingdoms, working alongside brilliant minds.
However, before he could take another step, a dimensional rift suddenly tore open in Tartalia. From its depths emerged a monstrous being, cloaked in an aura of death. With terrifying speed, the creature clamped its jaws around Gilt’s leg, wrenching a scream of agony from him.
Warriors from neighboring tribes arrived swiftly, engaging the beast in fierce battle. They managed to slay it, but for Gilt, it was too late. His life faded away on that very spot, taking with him the meaning of his discoveries. His books, their secrets decipherable only by him, were stored in a tribe’s treasure hall, left unread—forever concealing the truth about their species.
That night, his tribe performed a burial ritual with what little remained of him. To the rhythmic beating of their traditional drums, they honored Gilt… not as a visionary, nor as a scholar, but as the weakest and most pathetic Oweeh of all.